Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): Revealing the Future Potential of Your Customers

Fâtih Mücahid CÜCÜ
2 min readJan 21, 2024


Customer Relationship Management has become a crucial concept in today’s business world. Understanding customers and establishing sustainable and profitable relationships with them are critical factors for success. In this context, Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) stands as a powerful tool used to comprehend and predict the future value of customers.

What is Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)? Customer Lifetime Value represents the total revenue a customer brings over the course of their relationship with a company. It measures the overall income from a customer starting from their initial purchase, encompassing all interactions and purchases throughout the relationship. CLTV is a strategic metric to understand how valuable a customer is to a company.

The Importance of CLTV:

  1. Guidance for Strategic Decisions: CLTV assists businesses in making strategic decisions by providing insights into which customers to focus on, optimizing marketing strategies.
  2. Customer Segmentation: CLTV guides the segmentation of customers based on their value. This allows businesses to offer specialized campaigns and promotions to high-value customers.
  3. Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction: CLTV is utilized to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction. Establishing long-term customer relationships can lead to increased future revenues.

How is CLTV Calculated?

CLTV calculation is a complex process that can involve several different methods. Typically, the following formula is used:

(Customer Value / Churn Rate) x Profit Margin

# Customer Value = Avarege Order Value * Purhase Freqency
# Avarege Order Value = Total Price / Total Transaction
# Purhase Freqency = Total Transaction / Total Number of Customers
# Churn Rate = 1 — Repeate Rate ()
# Repeate Rate = Number of customers who made multiple purchases/ All customers
# Profit Margin = Total Price* 0.10

Applications of CLTV:

  1. Marketing Strategies: CLTV is used to determine marketing strategies, understanding the effectiveness of channels and campaigns.
  2. Pricing Strategies: CLTV guides product and service pricing strategies.
  3. Customer Relationship Management: CLTV plays a significant role in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), providing a customized approach based on the value of customers.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) serves as a strategic guide for businesses and is indispensable for Customer Relationship Management. Understanding the value of customers is critical for providing better service and achieving long-term success. Therefore, businesses understanding and utilizing CLTV can gain a competitive advantage.

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